All posts by Marc Kreidler

Asif Mohiuddin

Asif Mohiuddin, ~30, is an engineer and one of Bangladesh’s most prominent atheists and bloggers. He was attacked by suspected radical Muslims, then jailed for his criticism of Islamic tenets.

On January 14, 2013, as Mohiuddin arrived to work in the capital area of Dhaka, he was brutally attacked and stabbed by a group of men. According to Haridas Saha, a surgeon at Dhaka Medical College Hospital: “The nature of the cuts proved that the attackers wanted to murder him.”

Mohiuddin partially recovered, but was later arrested “for posting derogatory comments about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.”

On June 27, 2013, Mohiuddin was released on bail. However, on July 29, his plea for permanent bail was denied, and he was sent back to prison.

Mohiuddin was eventually released on bail, and then escaped the country, but the charges against him were never dropped.


This section will be updated as news develops on this case.

Yossawaris Chuklom

Yossawaris Chuklom, 54, is a prominent comedian (stage name: Jeng Dokchik) and activist in Thailand who was recently sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the monarchy.

In March 2010, “red-shirt” political protesters who support ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra occupied parts of Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, to demand that the government of then Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva step down. During these protests, Chuklom delivered a speech in which he was allegedly critical of the monarchy.

He was formally sentenced in January 2013, and appealed his conviction. Chuklom was released on bail in September 2014.

People found guilty under the Thai law that criminalizes criticism of the monarchy can face up to 15 years in prison.


This section will be updated as news develops on this case.

    Get Involved

    While it is necessary that the public become educated about the moral and legal basis for the right to freedom of expression and about current threats to its existence, it is also important that the public act to promote and defend free expression. On this page you will find a collection of different ways in which you can take action—from writing to political leaders to helping raise social awareness. In all of your communications, please remember to mention the Center for Inquiry and the Campaign for Free Expression!

    Write Foreign Leaders

    The Cases featured on the Campaign for Free Expression website take root in many countries, and followers of the Campaign reside in many more. You can urge leaders of foreign countries, as well as your own, to respect the right to freedom of expression and immediately grant freedom and protection to prisoners of conscience and dissidents.

    To share your thoughts with leaders of foreign countries that have not protected freedom of religion, belief and expression, simply search for the contact information of that country’s embassy, and send an email or letter addressed to the Ambassador, asking ask that he or she convey your concerns to government officials in their home country.

    To share your thoughts with your own leaders who might engage in pressuring other countries that have not protected freedom of religion, belief and expression, search for the contact information of federal or national elected officials, particularly those who represent you, and urge them to take action or else to pressure the central government to do so.

    In addition, U.S. citizens can consider writing to Ambassadors who represent countries which are featured on the Cases page.

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    Embassy of Bangladesh
    H.E. Akramul Qader
    3510 International Drive, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20008


    Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
    H.E. Sameh Hassan Shoukry
    3521 International Court, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20008


    Embassy of the Republic of Indonesian
    H.E. Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
    2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20036


    Embassy of India
    H.E. Nirupama Rao
    2107 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20008


    Embassy of Pakistan
    H.E. Sherry Rehman
    3517 International Court, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20008


    Embassy of the Russian Federation
    H.E. Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak
    2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20007

    Saudi Arabia

    Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
    H.E. Adel A. M. Al-Jubeir
    601 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20037


    Embassy of Sudan
    H.E. John Ukec Lueth
    2210 Massachusetts Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20008


    Embassy of Thailand
    H.E. Vijiavat Isarabhakdi
    1024 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20007



    Press the U.S. Government

    If you live in the U.S., you can write your elected officials and the Obama administration to let them know that you care deeply about protecting the right to freedom of expression and want the U.S. government to take a strong stand for this right in the global arena.

    Take action now »

    In addition, the U.S. House of Representatives is currently considering a specific resolution that calls for the repeal of blasphemy laws around the world. Take a moment to tell your U.S. representative to co-sponsor this measure and support its passage.

    Take action now »

    Support Secular Rescue

    Violent Islamists who have claimed responsibility for the murders of more than a half dozen secularists and activists in Bangladesh since 2015 are now threatening the lives of a number of writers, bloggers, publishers, and activists in the country.

    Generous public support has helped CFI to assist several individuals and families in escaping to safety, either temporarily or permanently — but many others remain in danger.

    CFI will continue to raise funds for this important cause so that we can act quickly and decisively before another writer or activist is attacked. Please give now so that we can help these courageous defenders of secularism and freedom of religion, belief, and expression.

    Take action now »

    Bring CFE to Your Community

    Your community group or campus group can advance the cause of the Campaign for Free Expression any time of the year through events such as lectures, discussions, and public demonstrations. But, you and your group can also get involved right now with two particularly timely initiatives which we celebrate as part of the Campaign: Banned Books Week and International Blasphemy Rights Day.

    Banned Books Week

    Banned Books Week falls toward the end of September each year and raises awareness about the widespread censorship of books that some find to be offensive. The event is primarily coordinated by the American Library Association, with schools, libraries, and other organizations taking part to promote the free exchange of ideas. Here are some ways you can show your support for the cause:

    • Invite an author of a banned book to give a talk to your group. If that’s not feasible, another great option is to invite a school librarian or other speaker to give a presentation on censorship, book banning, blasphemy, and/or free speech.
    • Organize a Banned Books Readout in a public space. Invite group members and passers-by to read aloud sections from their favorite banned and challenged books.
    • The Metro State Atheists at Metropolitan College of Denver came up with this service project idea: Food for Freethought. During Banned Books Week, they gave away donated books to students on their campus who brought in non-perishable food items to be donated to a food bank. If you’re not connected with a campus group, see if you can team up with a local library or freethought group for a similar project.

    International Blasphemy Rights Day

    International Blasphemy Rights Day (IBRD) was founded by CFI to commemorate the Danish Muhammad cartoons that incited riots on September 30, 2005. However, its significance has extended far beyond defending the right to publish blasphemous cartoons; it’s more imperative than ever that we stand up for the ability to criticize religion and its effects without fear of retaliation. IBRD is a day to celebrate the right to free expression, and that no idea, even one considered by some to be sacred, is immune from criticism. Here are some ideas of how your group can take part:

    • Invite a speaker who can talk about blasphemy laws and free expression issues around the world. Check out the CFI Speakers Bureau for ideas.
    • Educate your community about blasphemy issues around the world by putting up an informative display in a local library or community center.
    • Sponsor a bus and/or billboard campaign to advertise yours and other local freethought groups. Though this may not seem “blasphemous,” it’s a fact that many municipalities and transit authorities have refused to run these ads in light of them being considered “offensive.”
    • Host a blasphemous art or cartoon contest. Keep in mind that blasphemous images can be more than just Mohammed—check out these Charlie Hebdo covers as examples.
    • Research speech ordinances in your municipality and find out if there are ones that inhibit free expression and assembly. If so, organize a coalition to lobby against them.
    • Curious as to how to turn IBRD into a day of service? On the Sabbath (Sunday) preceding or following September 30, your group can engage in a day of volunteer work; after all, in Exodus 31:15 it says, “For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death.”

    Need more ideas for Banned Books Week or International Blasphemy Rights Day, or else the Campaign for Free Expression? Go to the CFI On Campus campaign resource page, or contact the CFI Outreach department at

     Help Raise Awareness

    Many of the stories mentioned on this website or elsewhere have not garnered local, national, or international media attention. We need to change that. How? Here are a couple of ideas:

    • Post about the Campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #CFICFE or about International Blasphemy Rights Day with the hashtag #blasphemyday.
    • Share news articles, videos, and other materials regarding the Campaign and International Blasphemy Rights Day on Facebook.
    • Write posts about the Campaign and IBRD on your blog or website.
    • Pen a letter to the editor in your local newspaper on the importance of protecting freedom of expression.
    • Organize an event in your community.

    Need assistance? Email


    Do you want to better understand the international basis for the right to freedom of expression? Or, are you looking for insight on which countries continue to use laws to restrict free expression? Look no further!

    International Standards on Freedom of Expression

    Despite what many people and governments would have us believe, the right to freedom of expression, including the right to blaspheme, is protected as universal by several important international documents and agreements. These include:

    • The 1948 United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states in Article 19 that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
    • The 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a binding international treaty, which similarly states in its Article 19 that “Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference,” and that “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.”
    • The 1969 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which states in Article 5 that all signatories must protect “The right to freedom of opinion and expression.”
    • The 2011 General Comment 34 by the UN Human Rights Committee, which tracks and interprets the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and which states in Paragraph 48 that “Prohibitions of displays of lack of respect for a religion or other belief system, including blasphemy laws, are incompatible with the Covenant … Thus, for instance, it would be impermissible for any such laws to discriminate in favour of or against one or certain religions or belief systems, or their adherents over another, or religious believers over non-believers. Nor would it be permissible for such prohibitions to be used to prevent or punish criticism of religious leaders or commentary on religious doctrine and tenets of faith.”
    • The 2013 Rabat Plan of Action, drafted by human rights experts working at the UN, which cites the aforementioned documents and concludes that “States that have blasphemy laws should repeal these as such laws have a stifling impact on the enjoyment of freedom of religion or belief and healthy dialogue and debate about religion.”

    Freedom of Thought Report

    In recognition of Human Rights Day, our colleagues at the International Humanist and Ethical Union on December 10 each year release a report that details laws around the world which serve to restrict the rights to freedom of belief and expression, and instances of nonreligious persons facing discrimination and persecution. The report is produced with support from a number of secularist, humanist, and atheist organizations, including the Center for Inquiry.

    View this report »

    International Religious Freedom Report

    The annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom (or, the International Religious Freedom Report) describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The report covers government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals, and U.S. policies to promote religious freedom around the world. The U.S. Department of State submits the reports in accordance with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

    View this report »

    U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Annual Report

    USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission created by the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act that monitors the universal right to freedom of religion or belief assesses the U.S. government’s implementation of IRFA; recommends countries that the Secretary of State should designate as “Countries of Particular Concern” for engaging in or tolerating “systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom;” documents country conditions in around 30 countries; reports on significant trends; and recommends U.S. policies.

    View this report »

    Pew Research Center Report on Trends in Global Restrictions on Religion

    The Pew Research Center conducts an annual study of 198 countries that details both government restrictions on religion and social hostilities involving religion. The latest report found that roughly three-quarters of the world’s 7.2 billion people were living in countries with high or very high restrictions or hostilities.

    View this report »

    Anti-Blasphemy Offensives in the Digital Age: When Hardliners Take Over

    In this report, human rights researcher Joelle Fiss  discusses incidents where users have been accused of “blasphemous” posts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and persecuted for it — including cases from Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Fiss then analyzes the toll of blasphemy laws on sectarian violence and broader international relations, examines the debate over censorship and surveillance within the corporate decision-making process, and offers recommendations to social media companies and the U.S. government on how best to oppose blasphemy laws in a broader effort to curb extremism and to promote democratic reform.

    View this report »

    International Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws

    The International Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws and brings together individual people and organizations that share the same goal: campaigning to repeal “blasphemy” and related laws worldwide. The Coalition operates the End Blasphemy Laws Campaign, the website of which provides arguments against blasphemy laws and updates on blasphemy law repeals and prosecutions.

    View this project »


    Hamad Al-Naqi

    Hamad Al-Naqi is a Shia Muslim who in February and March 2012 allegedly made a series of posts on Twitter critical of the Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, the Prophet Muhammad, his wife Aisha, and his followers. Several members of the National Assembly of Kuwait called for his death. Al-Naqi pled not guilty, arguing that he had not posted the messages, and that his account had been hacked.

    In June 2012, Al-Naqi was found guilty of “insulting the Prophet, the Prophet’s wife and companions, mocking Islam, provoking sectarian tensions, insulting the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and misusing his mobile phone to spread the comments” and sentenced to ten years in prison.

    Al-Naqi was attacked within weeks of entering prison and has been put in solitary confinement for safety reasons. His lawyers appealed his sentence but, in July 2014, Kuwait’s top court upheld his sentence.


    This section will be updated as news develops on this case.


      The fundamental right to freedom of expression is under attack around the world. The targets of the assault are those who question, criticize, or satirize religious beliefs, cultural customs, or political figures. These dissidents are not violent insurgents wielding guns or machetes, but writers, activists, thinkers, scholars, and everyday citizens living their lives and speaking their minds. Their weapons are pens, keyboards, and their own human voices.

      To silence these voices, a global crackdown is underway, where those who exercise their right to free expression are persecuted, threatened, jailed, tortured, or killed. The assault is being waged by religious demagogues, angry mobs, and radicalized individuals, as well as by governments, both local and national, leveling charges of blasphemy and “insulting religion” against dissidents. And through the abuse of individuals, they seek to terrorize the population as a whole into resigned submission.

      The Campaign for Free Expression is an initiative of the Center for Inquiry (CFI) created to resist this crackdown and defend the right of all people to think, believe, and speak as they choose without fear of government sanction or violent reprisal. We find ourselves in the midst of what is no less than a human rights crisis that even the most pessimistic Enlightenment-era thinker could not have thought possible in the 21st century. But whether those speaking out are atheist or religious; liberal or conservative; Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or of any or no faith, the Campaign for Free Expression exists to fight for their right to speak.

      Consider just a few examples:

      • Raif Badawi is founder of the website Liberal Saudi Network, which was dedicated to fostering open discussion of religion and politics in Saudi Arabia. He is also an advocate for freedom of religion, belief, and expression, and women’s rights. He is currently imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.
      • Asia Bibi is a Christian mother of five who was living as a farm worker in Pakistan. In 2010, Bibi was alleged to have made blasphemous remarks following a disagreement with a Muslim coworker who refused to drink from a container of water she carried, believing it was tainted. In November 2010, Bibi was convicted of blasphemy and became the first woman to be sentenced to death in Pakistan for that crime. She remains in jail while her case is being appealed.
      • Dr. Avijit Roy was a Bangladeshi-American human rights activist and blogger known for his work defending freedom of thought and critical thinking.  In 2001, Roy founded a forum for Bengali freethinkers called Mukto-Mona. He authored eight books and wrote articles for the Center for Inquiry’s magazine Free Inquiry. In February 2015, Roy visited his home country with his wife for the Ekushey Book Fair in Dhaka. They were attacked but extremists armed with machetes; Roy died, and his wife barely survived.

      For many in positions of power around the world, whether religious or political, even examples such as these are not sufficient crackdowns on freedom of thought. While some leaders offer vague platitudes that invoke a need to curtail certain forms of sensitive speech, others are far more severe. They seek ironclad global restrictions on what can and cannot be expressed about religion and religious figures, criminalizing on a planetary scale any speech that might offend religious sentiments. Eruptions of violence in majority-Muslim countries ostensibly in response to an anti-Islam Internet video, the murders of secular bloggers and activists in Bangladesh and India, and a massacre perpetrated on a Paris newspaper over its satirical cartoons, have prompted leaders in Egypt, Indonesia, Turkey, and other countries to seize upon the unrest and call upon the United Nations to enact binding resolutions against the so-called “defamation of religion.” Worried about further violence and wary of the appearance of insensitivity, many pro-democracy governments and organizations have begun to soften in their defense of free expression.

      At the Center for Inquiry, we believe it’s time for us as a unified human species to stand up and declare that this is unacceptable.

      Despite what many would have us believe, the right to freedom of expression is not a luxury valued mainly by Western elites, but a widely accepted, foundational principle of civilization. Several important international agreements clearly outline that freedom of expression is a universal right possessed by all persons, regardless of geography or nationality.

      No one, anywhere, should face social or legal punishment simply for speaking about his or her beliefs in public. And, importantly, no topic should be off limits—especially religion, which has such an enormous impact on the lives of billions. Part of the freedom of expression is the freedom to inquire—to ask questions and seek answers beyond what is dictated by a religious text or cultural dogma. This freedom is at the core of CFI’s mission. How can we truly have freedom and equality if certain groups of people aren’t allowed to exercise the same rights as anyone else? And how can we as a civilization grow, learn, and prosper if we sit back and allow the suppression—too often violent—of minority viewpoints?

      The right to freedom of expression is being whittled away, person by person, law by law, and innocent and peaceful people are every day suffering the consequences. It is not a problem isolated to a faraway land. The crackdown of free expression reverberates around the planet.

      The aims of the Campaign for Free Expression are to increase public awareness of these threats; discuss and develop plans to fight back, both in the world’s halls of power and at the grassroots; and to demonstrate that people value their right to freedom of expression and are eager to exercise it.

      We hope you join us.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is the Campaign for Free Expression?

      The Campaign for Free Expression is an initiative of the Center for Inquiry to raise awareness regarding one of the most foundational human rights: the freedom to speak and to express one’s views without persecution or oppression.

      But isn’t free expression protected in the United States?

      Yes, but Americans are fortunate. Around the world, people routinely face social and legal punishment simply for stating their position on topics such as religion, whether they are expressing their belief in a given faith or their doubts. This is where the Campaign is focused.

      What is the purpose or goal of the Campaign?

      CFI launched this Campaign with two goals.

      First, we seek to raise consciousness about the insidious prevalence of laws around the world that restrict freedom of expression, as well as the disturbing number of cases in which peaceful people have been targeted and punished simply for stating their views on religion.

      Second, we want people to take action: to make others aware of the current situation; to contact governmental leaders, diplomats, and others in positions of influence over laws and social norms regarding free expression; and to reach out and support those who are right now being oppressed and persecuted by blasphemy laws and similar restrictions.

      Through accomplishing these aims, we hope to show the world that the freedom of expression enjoys broad, global support.

      What is the Campaign doing to achieve these aims?

      A number of things, central of which is launching a website, This website details laws and cases of expression being restricted, allowing people to learn about many of the current threats to free expression, along with featuring advocacy material like petitions and action alerts.

      This is happening in concert with the political advocacy that CFI has been doing for years at both the on Capitol Hill and at the United Nations.

      Where does CFI/the Campaign stand on inflammatory speech, such as burning a Qu’ran?

      CFI considers such speech on a case-by-case basis. In the case of burning a Qu’ran, we would rather people read and discuss the book as a more constructive alternative to an act that might only cause anger. But the point of this Campaign is to raise awareness about why freedom of expression is a universal human right. We might not agree with the burning of a Qu’ran, but we oppose attempts to punish those who do.

      How can you say free expression is a universal human right? Many people do not agree with that.

      Several international agreements state explicitly that freedom of expression is a universal human right.

      This right was first recognized in 1948 in United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19) and was given the force of international law in 1966 by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 19). Article 19 of the ICCPR reads that:

      “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” (ICCPR, Article 19)

      These agreements are not arbitrary, nor are they based on an exclusively Western interpretation of values. They are based on a universally recognizable secular humanist moral code that leaves private and personal beliefs for homes and churches and values freedom of conscience, reason, and naturalism in the public square.

      Rimsha Masih

      Rimsha Masih is a young Christian girl, believed to be developmentally disabled and around fourteen years in age, who faced charges in Pakistan for allegedly burning sacred Muslim documents—a crime punishable by death in that country.

      Masih was arrested in August 2012 after a local cleric, Mohammad Khalid Chisti, said she had burned pages of the Noorani Qaida, a religious book used to teach the Qu’ran to children. Hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside of the police station where Masih was being held, demanding she face formal charges.

      The case took a turn in September 2012, when police arrested Chisti and charged him with fabricating evidence against Masih. Masih has since been cleared of the charges against her. However, Rimsha and her family will feel the consequences of the charges forever, as they—along with many Christians living nearby—have already relocated from their home and live in hiding in fear of vigilante retribution.

      On June 30, 2013, it was announced that Rimsha and her family had safely relocated to Canada.


      This section will be updated as news develops on this case.

        Hamza Kashgari

        Hamza Kashgari is a twenty-three-year-old Saudi-born poet who formerly worked as a columnist for the Saudi daily newspaper al-Bilad. In February 2012, Kashgari posted messages on Twitter in which he imagined himself being in conversation with the Prophet Muhammad. Soon after, Saudi King Abdullah ordered that Kashgari be arrested “for crossing red lines and denigrating religious beliefs in God and His Prophet.”

        Kashgari fled Saudi Arabia to seek political asylum in New Zealand and Malaysia. However, Kashgari was eventually arrested and extradited back home, where he was being held and faced charges as severe as the death penalty.

        Fortunately, Kashgari was finally released on October 29, 2013.


        This section will be updated as news develops on this case.

          Bahá’í Seven

          In March and May of 2008, Iranian police arrested seven Bahá’í leaders and charged them with espionage, propaganda against the Islamic republic, and the establishment of an illegal administration. Their crime? Peacefully practicing their religion in a country where Shia Islam is the law of the land and those who belong to minority faiths, such as the Bahá’ís, are denied equal rights.

          In June 2010, the seven Bahá’í leaders—Mahvash Sabet, Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaie, Behrouz Tavakkoli, and Vahid Tizfahm—were sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment. The seven have now spent more than 10,000 days in prison, with no prospect of release until 2028.

          Unfortunately, this is but one example of the systematic, government-led harassment that the more than 300,000 Bahá’ís face in Iran. Heiner Bielefeldt, the UN special rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief, recently described Iran as among the most “extreme manifestations of religious intolerance and persecution” in the world today.


          This section will be updated as news develops on this case.